DP Electrics


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Wireless Lighting

Wireless lighting is a clever way to create personalised and harmonious lighting levels at the touch of a button. This means you can also consolidate different switches and lights around the house to work from a single point. These switches can be linked to lamps, ceiling lights, garden lights, ponds, fans and even electrical devices such as TVs.

Wireless lighting

As wireless lighting becomes the norm, there are an abundance of elegant finishes to match your current switch or socket ‘styles’ in your home. Wireless lighting may not be for everybody, but in practical terms, they often reduce the need for additional work by eliminating the need for additional wiring, or where running wiring may not be possible i.e. where rooms have been finished and painted. This type of switching is also very useful for exterior lighting whether in the garden or driveway.

For more information, repairs, upgrades or installations, give us a call.

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07947 912 522

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