DP Electrics


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Daily rates for general work start at £385.
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TV/Sky/Virgin Socket points

Sky, Virgin and TV cables have a habit of ending up clipped round door frames, along skirting boards and generally making tidy homes look a mess. We can solve this by running the wiring in before the installer arrives, or if already installed, re-routing or hiding them the best way possible. We can also install additional points around the home as well as extend or replace short and damaged cables.

We install Cat 5/6/7 cabling, HDMI, HD coaxial, surround sound speaker cables and much more. Even if you need your TV install, wall mounted or removed, get in touch with us for some friendly advice.

However small your issue is we are happy to help, please get in touch with us via the contact page or call 07947912522.

NIC City & Guilds JIB approved P
24 Hour Call Outs

07947 912 522

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