DP Electrics


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Overload Calculator

New Circuits and Upgrading Wiring

Installing new circuits can relieve stresses on existing wiring, eliminate nuisance tripping and overloading. House hold equipment is fast becoming more advanced and with that comes the need for more power. Cookers, showers and water heaters are just a few that are require increasing amounts of power due to their performance demands.

New Circuits and Upgrading Wiring

People are also adding more and more kitchen appliances to help streamline manual tasks to promote a healthy work/life balance. All of this added demand for power means new circuits are required to prevent over loading existing wiring. We can calculate how much power is needed for these new circuits to safely run your devices and avoid any future problems.

New Circuits and Upgrading Wiring

We also install new circuits for extensions, loft conversions, garden power, cabins & out building as well as full house rewires. If you’re considering any of these options, please do give us a call for more information or a no obligation quotation.

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07947 912 522

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