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Modern lighting – Replacing or installing new lights

All modern lighting must now meet new government energy efficiency guidelines. This means that when you buy a new light fitting you not only benefit choosing from a variety of wonderful and unique designs, but also get an energy efficient light which can help reduce your electricity bills and at the same time be kinder to the environment.


There is also a huge range of outdoor lighting available for decorative and security purposes which can also offer great benefits compared to older types. If you find a light we will come out and install it for you, however if you are stuck for choice, we would be happy to point you in the right direction or assist you in finding a suitable fitting.


You'll be amazed how much of a difference updating and modernising lighting can make in your home.

If you are interested in fitting new lighting in your home, give us a call 07947912522

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24 Hour Call Outs

07947 912 522

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