DP Electrics


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Electric Ovens and Hobs

We install all types of Electric Ovens and hobs; whether it is new or a replacement we have the resources to get them up and running quickly. If you are unsure whether an appliance is suitable for your kitchen and power supply please do get in touch, as not all appliances are a straight forward like for like replacement. Typically newer appliances can require more power which means installing a new circuit to prevent overloading and melting your wiring. We install everything from small fan assisted ovens to large range ovens and high powered hobs.

Ovens and Hobs

If you have any worries or concerns over an appliance, do not ignore it. Ovens and hobs are one of the most powerful items of fixed equipment in your house. Loose connections or appliances that are too powerful can cause serious issues if not fixed straight away.

Call us for installations, repairs & new cooker circuits on 07947912522

NIC City & Guilds JIB approved P
24 Hour Call Outs

07947 912 522

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