DP Electrics


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Daily rates for general work start at £385.
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Audio/Sound Systems

Control your music throughout your home

With so many audio devices on the market, DKP can replace or embed your current equipment effectively, maintaining the aesthetics of your home (and castle!). We can tidy up or completely disguise any cables, and even connect multiple devices to a central management unit, giving you instant access at the touch of a button.

Audio/Sound SystemsAudio/Sound Systems
Audio/Sound SystemsAudio/Sound Systems

You can even go to the next level by connecting games consoles, wireless devices, wall mounting tablets, computers, TV and Hi-Fi equipment all through one system with your favourite tunes ‘piped’ anywhere in the home.

For more information please do get in touch.

NIC City & Guilds JIB approved P
24 Hour Call Outs

07947 912 522

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