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LED Lighting

LED Lighting is a fast and simple way to reduce your energy bills as well as your carbon footprint. With a broad range of LED bulbs and solutions on the market (of varying quality), it's important to choose them carefully. Our expertise will help you make the most informed decision on LED home lighting.

LED lightingLED lighting

As you may or may not know, LED's produce light in a different way to conventional bulbs, as such there is far less heat produced in the lighting process which is useful where heat can present an issue. Unfortunately, poorly installed down-lights are one of the most common causes of house fires, so installing a properly vetted LED alternative helps mitigate these risks, whilst reducing cost in the long term.

LED lightingLED lighting

LED lighting is becoming increasingly popular as we use featured lighting to highlight areas of a room, for example works of art, sky lights of shelving. LED's come in a variety of colours and shades, they can even be wired to specialised wall switches, making it a permanent and easily controlled feature. Appropriately installed, LED lighting can and will enhance the aesthetics and value of your home. They are definitely a worthwhile investment when you're considering lighting updates around the home.

LED lightingLED lighting

Also fantastic and safe for gardens use all year round, especially for parties and events!

If you are interested in hearing more, please get in touch with us via the contact page or call us on 07947912522.

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