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Fire Alarm systems

As well as regular mains powered smoke detectors for small properties, we also install Alarm Panels systems for premises that require a higher grade of fire security. These systems are commonly installed in shops, office's, blocks of flats, communal spaces & HMO properties where fires need to be contained more quickly.

Fire alarms Fire alarms

This type of system splits the property up into sections making it easier for emergency services to locate a fire and minimise damage.

We also carry out all the necessary NICEIC Certification & paper work required for this type of work once we have completed the installation.

Fire alarms

This may also be required as part of your buildings insurance so it is important you check with your local council for advice.

If you require more information on installing this type of Fire alarm system, give us a call on 07947912522.

NIC City & Guilds JIB approved P
24 Hour Call Outs

07947 912 522

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