DP Electrics


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Help / Confused / Unfinished DIY Electrical job

Small Jobs - No job too small

Here at dkp Electrics we understand how daunting it may be to call up a tradesman for something you know nothing about. This happens quite often, and for us it's nothing unusual.

Our service is not only to provide you with high quality electrical work, but to also deliver you a pleasant experience from beginning to end, one you want to come back to, and recommend to others.

We come across many customers who have told us they feel intimidated calling up a company for what seems like a small job, but no matter how small the job, we can cater for all your needs. Whether it's something you don't want to do or a job which has left you confused, don't waste your time, we can fix it and make sure it's safe.

Below are some small jobs we have been called out to in the past, so if in doubt why not give us a call.

Friendly Local Services 07947912522

small jobs
NIC City & Guilds JIB approved P
24 Hour Call Outs

07947 912 522

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