DP Electrics


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Rewires – Full or Partial House Rewiring

Here at dkp Electrics we carry out all re-wires to current BS7671 Wiring Regulations and Part P of the Building Regulations.  We can also offer great ideas along the way to improve and modernise your home to make sure you optimise your living space.

Rewire ServiceRewiring WorkRewiring ServiceRewiring Project

When rewiring circuits it is vital to ensure the work is done correctly and to the highest standard. Sizes of cables, where they run and the integrity of connections should all be carried out by a fully qualified NICEIC electrician.

Rewiring Extension Stage 1Rewiring Extension Stage 2Rewiring Extension Finished

When it comes to rewiring your house, not every property is the same. Each property is unique and must be approached with this in mind. Some buildings have concrete flooring, some have old plastered ceilings and walls, but whatever the configuration, our experience, expertise and resources guarantees your work is completed to the highest standard, without unnecessary delay. We can install wiring surface mounted, encased in plastic trunking, recessed/chased into the walls or within conduit and all our work will meet regulatory standards and be installed to last.

Old Fuse Board Before WiringOld Fuse Board After Wiring

Whether it is an empty or occupied property, we can carry all the rewiring work needed to the highest available standard.

If you are interested in finding out more on rewiring your property give us a call and arrange a free quote.

NIC City & Guilds JIB approved P
24 Hour Call Outs

07947 912 522

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